
Summer seems like its dragging on for me

I realize the last few weeks I've been a bit down and I think I finally know why. I mean my life is pretty good right now, I almost always have money and my mom gives me pretty much unparalleled freedom to go/do pretty much anywhere/anything I want. But the thing that has probably been bothering me is the fact that I am missing a big part of life right now. It's..........a girl(probably pretty obvious).

Its been weird for me the last few years with girls. I seriously can't remember having a crush or liking a girl since like grade 10. Sure, I see lots of girls that are nice to look at but I haven't met a single one that I've had a connection with. Right now I blame this all on being out of school and not really having a chance to meet girls my age. When I finally get back into school hopefully I'll meet some people. The fact that I've never actually had a real relationship(sure I've done certain things*cough* with a random girl or two but mostly one time things) kind of scares me, but I'm still hopeful.

Now if only summer would go a little faster. My life has been on hold for like 2 years and now that I'm finally trying to get back into school it seems like these last few months before September are really dragging on.


Romeo X Juliet made me sadface

So I finally finished this anime after starting it like a week and a half ago. Oh spoilers btw

The ending was so sad to me for some reason I can't believe it actually made me cry so much. Starting when Romeo died right to pretty much the very end I was crying. Even 1 litre of tears didn't make me cry(ok ok I admit it did, but not that much). The story is changed so much from the real play I guess I just expected the ending to be changed to something happier too. Oh and that stupid sad Josh Groban song(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkZ6SmvXOEY) playing through the whole ending didn't help make it any less tragic either >>


Tales from The Bay: Part 2

So its Monday and I've already taken back those 6 pieces of (used)luggage in the picture. Over $1200 bucks refunded to 2 different customers.

The black luggage on the left was from a customer who bought 5 pieces of that luggage over a year ago. Someone on the weekend gave the ok to take them back because she "wasn't satisfied with them". Not only did she get to return all 5 pieces from over a freaking year ago, the moron who took back the first 3 pieces(on the weekend) refunded her them at full price(129.97 a bag) Yet she had like 2 seperate 10% discounts(which works out to like 105 a bag). So this lady got to use 5 pieces of luggage for a year and then return them for more then she paid. Crazy.

The luggage on the right was from this old couple who used the luggage once and decided to return it because the the front had some minor stains on it from travelling. They didn't even take the luggage on an airplane yet, all they took it on was a cruise. The luggage is perfectly fine except for the few stains on it, which of course is understandable because its like a bright silver colour and obviously dirt is going to show really easily on that colour. But of course they complained to a manager and said something like "oh the luggage looks like its 10 years old now" and without even coming to look at the luggage, the manager gave the ok to give them a full refund.

Note to self: if I ever buy luggage, buy it from The Bay and just return it after my trip



So after like 3-4 months of being half-blind I finally got contacts. I have to say the first time putting them in felt so bad. It felt like I was crying but it wasn't emotional or anything, just tears and my nose kept running. Right after that I was lucky enough to have this cute receptionist like coach me on how to take them out and put them back in again(the optometrist put them in the first time). It took me almost 35 mins to do this but she was really patient so it was alright.

Anyway it's now day 3 of having them, and I'm slowly getting used to them. It only takes me about 10 minutes to put them in now(and I don't need like PA to do it for me *cough*leo*cough*) and less then like 2 mins to take them out. It's still going to take some time to get used to my eyes feeling kinda dry and sleepy though..but at least I can see again!


Fireworks failure

So I just got back from downtown at the beach. Was supposed to go with just Leo and Calum. But of course Bogdan manages to show up. Then some random indian kid showed up, Amed or something I think. And now of course Basil also wants to come. So we ended up waiting until 8:30 for Basil to show up. And now we had problems fitting everyone into Leo's car. Because Basil is like so wide so Bogdan has to get into the trunk. Turned out putting Bogdan into the trunk isn't a good idea(like putting Duy into the trunk). He decided it would be smart to smoke a bowl back there while we were driving. Of course everyone smells it and we have to open up the hole on the seat to try and get him some air(which probably ended up stinking up Leo's whole car). Anyway traffic was so bad down there so by the time we got to the beach itself the fireworks had already finished, so all of this was just a big waste of time. gg.


Spent so much this weekend ahh

So I spent almost a hundred bucks this weekend. Though don't get me wrong, I like going out and doing stuff. Staying home and doing nothing on the weekend is lame. I just get all sadfaced on Sunday nights after I see my bank lol.

Anyway, Friday I went downtown with Matthew and Nam and unexpectedly bought a shirt for like $30 something(though it is pretty nice). Afterwards we went to Springrolls where I spent like another $27(a good part of that going towards matthew's 20% tip). It was also pretty funny to try and give Duy's number to one of the hostess chicks. Saturday I went to Korean BBQ with Bi(protip: don't use chopsticks to put food on the grill *cough*bi*cough*) and then to play pool with Leo+East York people.

Now hopefully I can make it through next weekend without spending so much so I can afford to get a new pc already. And yeah yeah I know I just bought an xbox but my pc is dying and like the cpu keeps overheating so I really need to get a new one.


Another work related post yay!

Ok so I swear my job makes me fear for the future of humanity sometimes. I seriously don't understand how some people can be so stupid and/or greedy.

2 Prime examples:

JewLady#1 - She puts a set of luggage on her bridal registry, which is like a list for her wedding guests of gifts they can buy for her, and someone wanted to buy that set for her. The people that wanted to buy the set asked to put it on hold. So someone in bridal registry took the set off of her list because it was going to be bought. But all of a sudden the people who wanted to buy the set changed their minds and decided to get something else. Heres where it gets hilariously retarded, JewLady#1 actually had the balls to come in and say "oh because the set of luggage wasn't on my list anymore, no one(else) bought it. Thats The Bay's fault and I want it for free now". After she said that I was like stunned for a minute at the sheer jewishness of her attitude(I found out later that she actually was jewish lolol). And of course when we said no she bitched to 2 different managers(who said no also) and then the actual store manager who said yes and gave her the luggage for free(which was like $700).

Moron#1: "Hi can you help me with something?"
Me: "Sure"
Moron#1 while ignoring big ass sale sign with luggage prices directly in front of him: "Is this luggage on sale?"
Me: "Yep, the regular and sale prices are right here on this sign right in front of you"
Moron#1 still ignoring the sign that also has the different sizes listed: "Ok what sizes are there and does it come as a set? Whats the size of this piece by the way, and how much is it?"
Me: "No we only carry 1 line of luggage in a set everything else is sold individually..blah blah blah"
Moron#1 moves over to another line, also with a giant sale sign with prices/sizes on it
Moron#1: "Are these also on sale? And does it come as a set?"
Me:"(whispering)oh god take me now, its going to be a long day"

So yeah, I get people like this a good 15%-25% of the time. I have so many stories of pure stupidity I could write a book(or even a part2 to this if I cant find anything else to blog about lol).

*sigh* still 2 more days till the weekend ugh...


The Future of the Internet?

You could be paying for internet like this

Net neutrality has something I've kept an eye on ever since some American ISP decided to start throttling their customer's internet speeds when they use torrents. They basically made it so that if you tried to seed/upload anything with a torrent your speed would be throttled down to nothing so the ISP can save bandwidth. Now it might not sound like a big issue, yeah sure you can't upload who cares right? But who's to say the ISP will stop there? I mean they could all of a sudden decide to block torrents/torrent sites and just say "oh they were illegal anyway". I don't like the idea of Rogers deciding what I can/can't go to.

The blocking of sites and speed throttling isn't the only thing. I suggest watching/reading these:

Now of course most of it is just speculation with little/no proof, but what they are saying is not at all unreasonable and I can totally see ISPs doing this purely to make more profit. I can't see the internet having much of a future if it actually does go subscriber like TV is.


Guitar hero is funnnnn

I finally managed to get a hold of Leo's guitar hero controller and I got to spend some quality time with it. Man the game is addictive. Even though I can barely do medium its still tons of fun. I even have a bruise on my arm from playing so much the first night. I still can't get over that PA is so good. I cry a little inside every time I see her play because she crushes on expert. I can't even read the notes and shes hitting like 90% of them, wth. My goal in life now is to become a guitar hero hero(Bi's term) like her.

What else happened this week? I caved and bought an Xbox 360. Why? Because it has some games I want to play and getting a new pc would be way more expensive. Plus most of the good games nowadays come out for consoles first. Right now I have no games lol but I plan to try and get some cheap ones from ebgames sometime this week. Oh and I need money to buy rock band because I'll be sad once Leo wants to take his guitar back. So please help and donate to the rock band fund(its like 110 bucks, with like 50 from myself).

I also finished Death Note this week and it was pretty awesome. I wasn't expecting it to be so entertaining, especially after endless negative comments from people(read: idiots) like Basil.
**Spoilers:** I was so depressed when L died. He should've been the one to catch Light instead of the 2 creepy orphan kids. So yeah I liked the live action ending better. Next thing to finish is Full House. I sorta need a recap first cause its been so long since I've seen the first 2 episodes >.> (and yes Duy, I'll watch Melancholy sometime this week too)

K enough time wasted writing this entry, back to guitar hero now xD


So little money yet so much to buy

I have a feeling my credit card and bank are going to be drained the next few weeks. I've found myself making longer and longer lists of stuff that I want to buy. A new bike, new summer clothes, more ps2 games, an xbox, a new pc, a bigger tv, etc. etc. etc. It's just so much >.>
All I can do is hope that my tax return arrives quick enough to help lessen the blow on my wallet.

Other then money woes, their isn't really all that much happening in my life right now to blog about so I'll just recap my last 2 weeks to fill up space xD

Last, last weekend was pretty "interesting". After work on Thursday, Leo abandoned everyone after pool and came over with Calum. Wasted some time on watching crap on Youtube,, and then played some NFS carbon. Anyway they both leave at like 11 and I go to sleep. 3 hours later, at like 2 am, my mom starts flipping out because she thinks Calum took her purse(personally I blame his shifty appearance for the accusation). Of course my mom ends up finding it the next day and I barely got any sleep because of it.

The week itself was boring, nothing happened at all other then work(so fun ugh).

The next weekend, which was last weekend now I guess, I camped out at Duy's house for 3 days straight. PS3 + GTA IV = Fun. I started playing Kingdom Hearts too, which is great so far. Oh and I learned that Family Feud can be addictive.

And this week the only really notable thing is that I started watching Death Note(yes finally). It's awesome so far, I hope it keeps up like this for the whole series.

So yeah thats been my last 2 weeks pretty much.

PS: if anyone wants to come waste money with me at yorkdale on like friday let me know, i'm probably going to go buy some summer stuff